Zach Johnson, Developer


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Probility is a simple library that aims to make using and exploring probability spaces easy.

I was inspired to do this when helping my game-designer coworker calculate various die rolls in Excel. Probility aims to simplify the process of making and presenting probability calculations and to provide an interface for those calculations in other programs. One of my main goals was to make the collections agnostic to what they contained and to make it easy to use functions in a collection:

const Probility = require("probility");
const loudOrSoft = new Probility([(val) => val.toUpperCase(), (val) => val.toLowerCase()]);
loudOrSoft.choose()("Hello") // "HELLO" or "hello"

This project also gave me the chance to work on my documentation skills: it's the first package I've published to NPM, and I wanted to make sure my API reference was robust enough to support anyone who wanted to use it. Working on this project gave me a lot of room to experiment with Javascript without relying on web-based technologies. I've learned a lot so far, and I hope to keep expanding Probility in new and helpful ways!